You can easily share and publish content to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn from the Resource Library in Life Happens Pro. Depending on your subscription plan, there are different options for publishing content to social media.

For Lite users

Lite users are able to share content to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn using each networks "share" functionality. This means a Lite user will be able to create a post for each network that includes a link to view the piece of content. If you are a Lite user follow the steps below to share content:

  1. Find the piece of content that you would like to share in the Resource Library. Click here for instructions on finding a resource.
  2. Click the icon for the social media network to which you'd like to share.

  3. You will see a popup modal for the selected network and if you are not already logged in you will need to log in to that network to proceed.
  4. Add any additional message you'd like to include in the post and click Post (for Facebook), Tweet (for Twitter) or Share (for LinkedIn).

    For Facebook, you have the option to select where the post is shared and who should see it. By default it will be shared on your timeline.

    For LinkedIn, you have the option to share in a post or send as a private message.


For Plus and Premium users

Plus and Premium users are able to share content natively to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn from the Resource Library. (Note: You can also find and share content from the Post Library. Click here for more information.) This means the piece of content will be shared directly in the post for each network without a link. If you are a Plus or Premium user follow the steps below to share content:

  1. First, make sure you have connected the social accounts that you would like to publish content to via Life Happens Pro. Click here for instructions on how to connect your social accounts.
  2. Find the piece of content that you would like to share in the Resource Library. Click here for instructions on finding a resource.
  3. Click the icon for the social media network to which you'd like to share.

  4. You should now see the Create Post page with the selected content included.

  5. Click on the tab for each social network and edit the text as desired.  Changes made to text for one network do not automatically copy to the other networks, so any text needs to be manually edited for each network. For example, editing text in the Facebook text box does not automatically copy to the Twitter or LinkedIn text boxes.
  6. View a preview of the post to the right of the text box. Click each tab to view the preview for that social network.
  7. Click the checkbox to the left of each social network you'd like to post to. For Facebook, if you manage more than one Page you can select the Page you'd like to post to from the drop down. Please note, Facebook only allows posting directly to Pages, not personal Profiles.
  8. Once the post is ready to publish you have the following options:
    • Click Schedule to select a date and time in the future to publish the post. In the pop up select the date and time for publishing and click Schedule. Note: All times are in Eastern time.
    • Click Publish now to publish the post immediately. A pop up confirmation will display indicating that the post has been published. Please allow up to one minute for the post to publish on your selected social network and appear in your Post Calendar. Click here for more information on the Post Calendar.