To get started posting with Life Happens Pro, you'll need to connect at least one social account.  You can currently connect and post to the following social networks:

  • Facebook (Pages)
  • Twitter (Profiles)
  • LinkedIn (Profiles)

To begin connecting your social accounts, navigate to Social Media > Profile and follow the steps below for each social account.

Connecting your Facebook account

To create and publish posts to Facebook using Life Happens Pro complete the following steps. If you skip any of the steps below than your account will not be properly connected and you will not be able to publish posts using Life Happens Pro.

  1. Click on the Facebook tab. If you have not connected a Facebook account yet you will see the following message.

  2. Click the Add a Facebook Account button. If you are not currently logged into Facebook you will be prompted to log in or create an account if you do not already have one.
  3. Click Continue to authorize Life Happens Pro to access your profile and friend list. Note: Do not change the Edit This settings, as changing these settings will cause the app to work incorrectly.
  4. Use the drop down to select who can see posts you create via Life Happens Pro on your Timeline and click OK.
  5. Click OK to allow Life Happens Pro to publish posts on your Profile and Pages you manage. Note: Do not change the Choose what you allow settings, as changing these settings will cause the app to work incorrectly.

You should now see your Facebook account listed on the Facebook tab of the Profile page. If you manage any Pages on Facebook you should also see those listed below your account name. If you do not see any Pages listed click Update Pages to refresh your Pages list.

That's it! Now you can start publishing posts to your Facebook Profile and Pages using Life Happens Pro.

Connecting your Twitter account

To create and publish posts to Twitter using Life Happens Pro complete the following steps.

  1. Click on the Twitter tab. If you have not connected a Twitter account yet you will see the following message.

  2. Click the Add a Twitter Account button. If you are not currently logged into Twitter you will be prompted to log in.
  3. Click Authorize app to authorize Life Happens Pro to post tweets for you.

You should now see your Twitter account listed on the Twitter tab of the Profile page.

That's it! Now you can start publishing posts to your Twitter Profile using Life Happens Pro.

Connecting your LinkedIn account

To create and publish posts to LinkedIn using Life Happens Pro complete the following steps.

  1. Click on the LinkedIn tab. If you have not connected a LinkedIn account yet you will see the following message.

  2. Click the Add a LinkedIn Account button. If you are not currently logged into LinkedIn you will be prompted to log in.
  3. Click Allow to authorize Life Happens Pro to post updates to LinkedIn for you.

You should now see your LinkedIn account listed on the LinkedIn tab of the Profile page.

That's it! Now you can start publishing posts to your LinkedIn Profile using Life Happens Pro.