Life Happens Pro has hundreds of videos in the Resource Library available for you to use. With that many resources we make it easy for you to find and use the perfect resource to fit your message. Learn more about finding a resource here. Follow the steps below to embed a video on your website.

Add your website to your Account Profile

Before you can embed a video on your website, you'll need to add your website to your Account Profile. This will make sure the permissions are set so the video will play correctly.

  1. Navigate to your Account Profile by clicking on your Name > Account in the top right.
  2. In the Company Information section, add/update your website where you'll be embedding the video. You can add up to three websites. (Note: Website #1 is used for personalizing the downloadable resources.) Click Save to save any changes in this section.

Add the video to your website

After adding your website to your Account Profile you can use the embed code to add the video to your website.

  1. Once you've found the video you'd like to use in the Resource Library, click on the image thumbnail to open the video detail page.
  2. To the right of the video you'll see the embedding options and the embed code.

  3. You have the following options available:
    • Width and Height: Enter your desired width for the video size and the height will automatically adjust to maintain the correct aspect ratio.
    • Autoplay: Check the box to allow the video to play automatically once the page is loaded. Note: In most browsers, if autoplay is turned on the video sound will be muted by default due to their autoplay policies.
    • Loop: Check the box to allow the video to loop continuously. This means the video will continue to replay once it finishes.
  4. After making any adjustments to the options, click the Copy Code button.
  5. Paste the code into your website HTML where you'd like the video to appear. On a PC you can use the shortcut Ctrl+V to paste, and on Mac you can use the shortcut Command+V to paste.

    For specific instructions on how to add code into your website HTML we recommend checking your website provider's help documents, as the instructions can vary significantly. Here are links to instructions for some more commonly used website builders:

That's it! You should now see the video play directly on your website page.