Many of the resources can be personalized with your information before downloading. Resource types that can be personalized include:
- Flyers
- Brochures
- Graphics
Note: Videos have additional customization options.
Updating your personalization information
The information included on a personalized resource comes directly from your Account Profile and includes the following:
- Photo/Logo (optional)
- Name
- Professional Designation (optional)
- Company Name (optional)
- Phone Number (optional)
- Website (optional)
To add or edit your personalization information follow the steps below:
- Navigate to your Account Profile by clicking on your Name > Account in the top right.
- In the Personal Information section, you can add/update your Name, Professional Designation, Email and Phone Number. Click Save to save any changes in this section.
- In the Company Information section, you can add/update your Company Name and Website. (Note: Website #1 is used for the personalization.) Click Save to save any changes in this section.
Adding personalization to a resource
To add your personalization to a resource follow the steps below:
- Navigate to the Resource Library.
- Find the resource you'd like to personalize.
- Click the Personalize option to turn it on (if it's on it will be colored blue) and click Download.
- To preview the personalization before downloading, first click on the image to bring up the resource detail page.
- Click the Personalize option to turn it on and you will see a preview of your personalization display on the bottom of the resource.
- Click Download.