Many of the resources can be personalized with your information before downloading. Resource types that can be personalized include:

  • Flyers
  • Brochures
  • Graphics

Note: Videos have additional customization options.

Updating your personalization information

The information included on a personalized resource comes directly from your Account Profile and includes the following:

  • Photo/Logo (optional)
  • Name
  • Professional Designation (optional)
  • Company Name (optional)
  • Email
  • Phone Number (optional)
  • Website (optional)

To add or edit your personalization information follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to your Account Profile by clicking on your Name > Account in the top right.
  2. In the Personal Information section, you can add/update your Name, Professional Designation, Email and Phone Number. Click Save to save any changes in this section.
  3. In the Company Information section, you can add/update your Company Name and Website. (Note: Website #1 is used for the personalization.) Click Save to save any changes in this section.

Adding personalization to a resource

To add your personalization to a resource follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Resource Library.
  2. Find the resource you'd like to personalize.
  3. Click the Personalize option to turn it on (if it's on it will be colored blue) and click Download.
  4. To preview the personalization before downloading, first click on the image to bring up the resource detail page.
  5. Click the Personalize option to turn it on and you will see a preview of your personalization display on the bottom of the resource.
  6. Click Download.